
Playbooks are very useful and powershell objects that can define how often or how many times a jimiFlow is executed for a given occurrence.

Common use-cases include configuration management, software deployment or one off tasks that need to be completed.




mv jimiPlugin-playbook-master plugin/playbook



Searches existing playbook entires and returns as events each playbook occurrence that matches the given parameters. Searching is completed based on playbook name, result and sequence number.


Name Description
playbookName Name of the existing playbook
sequence The sequence number that will be used to find existing playbook entries that are within the given sequence
inComplete When set to true the trigger will return matches within the given playbook name and sequence that are not yet complete
excludeIncrementSequence Remove any results that also have a higher sequence that is already marked as completed


A list of events containing playbooks entries within the defined criteria



Defines that start of a playbook along with options for how a playbook behaves


Name Description
playbookName Name of the playbook, this much match between incremental sequence numbers
sequence An integer value starting from 0 that can be used to build multi stage playbooks whereby in order playbooks must be completed from sequence 0 onwards. sequence 0 must be used on the first playbook and is the default value
occurrence String value that will define what each unique entry is. This value supports jimi string replacement syntax
delayBetweenAttempts Amount of time in seconds that must have past before the same occurrence can be attempted again. Default of 0 will result in a 60 seconds delay between attempts
maxAttempts The maximum number of attempts
version A defined version number of the playbook, when a version number is incremented all previous successful plays will be replayed
alwaysRun When selected version and maxAttempts are ignored


Name Result Bool Return Code Other
New play started True 201 plugin : { "playbook" : { "match", "name", "occurrence", "sequence" } }
Already completed play replayed True 205 { "playbook" : { "match", "name", "occurrence", "sequence" } }
Delay between attempts not met False 300 { "playbook" : { "match", "name", "occurrence", "sequence" } }
Existing play reattempted True 302 { "playbook" : { "match", "name", "occurrence", "sequence" } }
Nothing to do False 304 { "playbook" : { "match", "name", "occurrence", "sequence" } }
Previous sequence number was attempted but was not successful False 403 None
Sequence attempted to too high as no previous sequence was found False 404 None
Unknown False 500 None


Defines that end of a playbook along with the result and any defined resulting data


Name Description
result True / False to define if the play was a success or failure
resultData Dictionary supporting jimi string replacement syntax to preserve any of the jimiFlow data or to set a message or error


Name Result Bool Return Code Other
Play attempt finished True 0 None
Play complete failure False 404 None