Occurrence can be used to get jimi to take actions based on state. This enables you to have alarm like functionality when something is first notice, updated and/or cleared.
wget https://github.com/z1pti3/jimiPlugin-occurrence/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv jimiPlugin-occurrence-master plugin/occurrence
rm master.zip
Alarm and state functionality for a jimiFlow
Name | Description |
dbSlowUpdate | When enabled an occurrence is only updated when half of its lullTime has passed. If lullTime is set to 300 the occurrence would only get update when 150 seconds have past |
lullTime | The amount of time in seconds that an occurrence is considered in alarm state. Each time occurrence see the same state it will extend the lullTime |
lullTimeExpiredCount | The number of times the raising trigger must be checked after lullTime has expired before the occurrence is cleared i.e. no longer in alarm state |
occurrenceMatchString | A string that is used to understand what is a unique match. occurenceMatchString supports jimi string replacement syntax e.g. %%data[event][host]%%-%%data[event][metric]%%-CPU |
Name | Result Bool | Return Code | Other |
New occurrence raised | True | 201 | None |
Existing occurrence updates | True | 302 | None |
Occurrence cleared | True | 205 | None |
Error updating occurrence - no ID | False | 500 | None |